MLK 50 Years Later

Fifty years ago, an assassin’s bullet took the life of the greatest civil rights leader of our lifetime, Martin Luther King. Looking at MLK 50 years later, we see his message more clearly, we hear his words more distinctly, and we wish for the civility in...

Taking Credit or getting things done

“It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” I don’t know who is responsible for this quote.  Some say Abraham Lincoln, others refer to a similar quote made by Ronald Reagan, and still others...
Why I Left Corporate IT

Why I Left Corporate IT

Well, the easy answer would be to say that my position was eliminated (i.e. I was laid off), and I never looked back.  But the reality is, I stayed around corporate IT for a few years after that.  It wasn’t until a year or two later that I began getting more...

The most important word

The Scout Law A Scout Is: Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent Several years ago I asked my scouts which one of these words is most important.  Hands flew up, “Reverent!” several shouted.  I told...