Lead From Deep and Grounded Confidence

Lead From Deep and Grounded Confidence

In his leadership podcast, Craig Groeschel recently addressed how effective leaders handle criticism.  One of the most powerful statements made is for us to lead from deep and grounded confidence. This past year has been tough on the trees in our yard.  Last summer we...

Leave The World A Better Place

I love to help others perform at their best. There’s an old adage from scouting that I was taught growing up, “leave a place better than you found it”. We can apply this principle to almost everything we do in life. The idea of “leave the world a better...

What Are We Afraid Of?

For most people, pursuing their dreams seems just like that, a dream. While most say that they are trying to figure out their place in life, the majority of us are afraid to pursue those big dreams. Finding our purpose is only the first step, acting on it is much more...

Principle-Centered Leadership

I was reviewing the book “Principle-Centered Leadersihp” by Stephen Covey the other day, and was reminded of the great message he has in this book.  Here’s a summary. Overall theme:  That “natural laws, principles, operate regardless. ...