Success Lesson From Strikeout Kings

Success Lesson From Strikeout Kings

Everyone knows Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) is a great baseball player.  He ranks among the top of all offensive categories.  In fact, he ranks 5th all-time in Home Runs!  That’s very impressive.  Do you know what list he ranks even higher on?  Strikeouts.  Yes,...

Without execution, your dream is just a nap

I hope you have dreams.  In a recent blog, I wrote about the importance of having dreams.  Dreams drive innovation.  They are the beginning of great change.  Every innovative company began as a dream.  But in order to bring a dream to reality, you have to be able to...

The Innovation Equation

Innovation is critical for growth.  For companies to truly stand out in a crowded market, they must find ways to innovate.  Craig Groeschel, in his leadership podcast (episode 34), shared “the innovation equation”.  It’s a great model for wrapping...