Training By the Glass, Not the Firehose

Effective training can be the lifeblood of an organization.  By training and developing your team members, you can drive greater success, increase accountability and build a stronger organization for the future.  However, most companies do training wrong.  I...

This Year, Invest in Your Most Important Asset

This blog post could almost seem cliche.  How many times and how many ways can we say it.  But here we go again.  What is your most important asset?  If you are a business owner with employees, then I just answered it for you.  Your employees are your most important...
Entrepreneurial Growth Program

Entrepreneurial Growth Program

I’m really excited to tell you about our new program beginning in February. FocalPoint’s Entrepreneurial Growth Program (eGrowth as we call it). It is slated for small business owners, entrepreneurs, or those not ready to commit to one-on-one coaching....