Anxiety, It’s a Grind

A friend of mine told me recently that he had a toothache and he was going to the dentist.  He said it was the first time he had experienced this and thought maybe he had chipped a filling.  The dentist told him that he was grinding his teeth. ...

Leave The World A Better Place

I love to help others perform at their best. There’s an old adage from scouting that I was taught growing up, “leave a place better than you found it”. We can apply this principle to almost everything we do in life. The idea of “leave the world a better...

Principle-Centered Leadership

I was reviewing the book “Principle-Centered Leadersihp” by Stephen Covey the other day, and was reminded of the great message he has in this book.  Here’s a summary. Overall theme:  That “natural laws, principles, operate regardless. ...

Assess then Act

Over the years I’ve noticed that one area that many leaders (including myself) can often improve on, is the ability to take action at the right time, based upon the right amount of information.  Leadership is often about setting a direction.  That direction...