Prize and Price

Prize and Price

Recently, as I was exploring options for starting a new business, a coach gave me some sound advice.  He said “John, you have to determine your prize and then consider the price”.  Prize and price.  In any major decision, it’s really that simple.  It...

Dealing with Worry? Hope, Hope, Hurray!

In my last post I talked about the need to have faith to get through the challenges in life.  Worries and fear are inevitable, but how we deal with them is entirely up to us. Using the 1 Corinthians 13 model, I am proposing an age-old solution for getting through...

The First 100 Days

I was recently asked the question, “what do you do to be successful during the first 90 days on the job?”. I’ve been put in leadership roles before where it was a significant change, either through a reorganization or simply applying for and getting...

What a difference a year makes

Last year at this time I was at the beginning of a new stage of my career.  After an unexpected layoff and the first time not being employeed in nearly a quarter-century, I found myself in an unfamiliar place.  I had spent my entire career working in IT shops of large...