What Are We Afraid Of?

For most people, pursuing their dreams seems just like that, a dream. While most say that they are trying to figure out their place in life, the majority of us are afraid to pursue those big dreams. Finding our purpose is only the first step, acting on it is much more...

Dealing with Worry? Hope, Hope, Hurray!

In my last post I talked about the need to have faith to get through the challenges in life.  Worries and fear are inevitable, but how we deal with them is entirely up to us. Using the 1 Corinthians 13 model, I am proposing an age-old solution for getting through...

Taking Credit or getting things done

“It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” I don’t know who is responsible for this quote.  Some say Abraham Lincoln, others refer to a similar quote made by Ronald Reagan, and still others...

Would You Hire Him?

Ken Collier wrote, “The primary quality of a godly leader is that he follows Someone who is stronger than he is, wiser than he is, more discerning than he is, and more in control of circumstances than he is. A godly leader, whether a parent, teacher, supervisor,...