Lead From Deep and Grounded Confidence

Lead From Deep and Grounded Confidence

In his leadership podcast, Craig Groeschel recently addressed how effective leaders handle criticism.  One of the most powerful statements made is for us to lead from deep and grounded confidence. This past year has been tough on the trees in our yard.  Last summer we...

MLK 50 Years Later

Fifty years ago, an assassin’s bullet took the life of the greatest civil rights leader of our lifetime, Martin Luther King. Looking at MLK 50 years later, we see his message more clearly, we hear his words more distinctly, and we wish for the civility in...

Two Sets of Threes

I’ve always been impressed with Coach John Wooden (even though I’m not a UCLA fan). His accomplishments, on and off the court, are indisputable.  I’m reading Pat William’s book about Coach Wooden and the principles that were passed from...

Eagle Court of Honor Benediction

Recently I was invited to provide the benedeiction at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for a young man I’ve known a very long time. I was honored to do so. I love the tradition of the benediction, a blessing given to those in attendance, and in the case of an Eagle...