Don’t Shoot the Wounded

I remember a definition I once heard of auditors.  It was said that they came in after the battle and shoot the wounded.  (My apologies to all of the auditors out there.)   Recently the term came up again.  It was used in terms of a leader that comes in after the fact...
Prize and Price

Prize and Price

Recently, as I was exploring options for starting a new business, a coach gave me some sound advice.  He said “John, you have to determine your prize and then consider the price”.  Prize and price.  In any major decision, it’s really that simple.  It...

Assess then Act

Over the years I’ve noticed that one area that many leaders (including myself) can often improve on, is the ability to take action at the right time, based upon the right amount of information.  Leadership is often about setting a direction.  That direction...

What a difference a year makes

Last year at this time I was at the beginning of a new stage of my career.  After an unexpected layoff and the first time not being employeed in nearly a quarter-century, I found myself in an unfamiliar place.  I had spent my entire career working in IT shops of large...