What people are looking for

What people are looking for

What are you looking for?  Professionally?  Personally?  I heard once that there are three things that drive a person to a higher level of performance.  These are three things that every person is looking for, whether they are aware of it or not....

Listen to be Heard

Effective communications are critical at this time.  That, along with empathy, are identified as the two most important leadership traits needed in a crisis.  When it comes to effective communications, sometimes you have to listen to be heard.  How’s that? Can...

Building Resilience in Turbulent Times

Resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness”. It is fundamentally a system property. It refers to the magnitude of change or disturbance that a system can experience without shifting into an alternate state that...

7 Things to Leverage During Tough Times

These are tough times, no doubt about it.  If you aren’t stressed about your business, well, God bless you.  Most everyone I am working with is exhibiting some level of stress. Let’s face it, we are in a crisis.  And most business owners have been so busy working IN...