Create New Habits to Achieve Goals

As a FocalPoint Business Coach, I often am working with my clients to help them build strategic plans and establish goals for their business or organization.  We use a set of eight foundational questions as part of our strategic planning process.  Question #8 is...

This Year, Invest in Your Most Important Asset

This blog post could almost seem cliche.  How many times and how many ways can we say it.  But here we go again.  What is your most important asset?  If you are a business owner with employees, then I just answered it for you.  Your employees are your most important...

Rule of 3 or 10

The “Rule of 3 or 10” has been around for a while.  In essence, it goes like this, “Everything breaks at multiples of 3 and powers of 10”.  And while I believe we can debate the validity of it at every level, I propose that it does lead us to good advice...