Lessons from the Rapids

Lessons from the Rapids

What can you learn from a whitewater expedition?  Much, I say.  I was reminded of this as I was listening to the Joshua Gagnon podcast and the leadership team was recounting stories from a teambuilding canoe trip their church leaders had taken.  As I was listening to...

Without execution, your dream is just a nap

I hope you have dreams.  In a recent blog, I wrote about the importance of having dreams.  Dreams drive innovation.  They are the beginning of great change.  Every innovative company began as a dream.  But in order to bring a dream to reality, you have to be able to...

This Year, Invest in Your Most Important Asset

This blog post could almost seem cliche.  How many times and how many ways can we say it.  But here we go again.  What is your most important asset?  If you are a business owner with employees, then I just answered it for you.  Your employees are your most important...